Take advantage of all the benefits of Twitch Prime.

Access games, loot, starter packs, monthly subscription to your favorite channel, content for chats and storage for your videos.

I show you step by step how to get Twitch Prime games and loot safely.

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Remember that you must purchase Prime and link it to your Twitch account.

Get Twitch Prime Rewards

  1. Go to https://gaming.amazon.com
  2. Link your Twitch account with Amazon Prime.
  3. Open the Games section with Prime, choose a game and click on Request it.
  4. To request a loot, go to the top in Loot for games and more.
  5. Click on the More information button that will be in blue.
  6. Choose a loot and click on the Request Now button.

It's that simple to get games and loot that come with your Prime subscription.

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