Learn something new without spending money with Udemy's free courses

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Some of these courses can be just as comprehensive as paid courses, offering detailed lessons, practical exercises, and supporting materials. Others may be shorter and offer a basic introduction to a specific topic.

Keep in mind that while Udemy's free courses can be a great option, some may be too introductory or out of date. Udemy's free courses can be an excellent option considering its limitations:

Get Free Udemy Courses


Filter courses:

From the search bar type "free courses" to see all options, or open the "Free" category on the Udemy home page.


Take advantage of promotions:

Udemy sometimes offers promotions where you can get free courses. These promotions are usually found on the Udemy home page or via email promotions, so signing up might be a good idea to stay in the know.

Use a coupon code:

If you have a coupon code for a course, you can use it to get the course for free or at a reduced price.

Other Free Course Alternatives:

If you can't find the course you're looking for on Udemy, you may be able to find it for free or at a discounted price on another platform. Some alternatives to Udemy include Coursera, Khan Academy, and edX.


Please note that while it is possible to find free courses on Udemy, most courses on the platform are not free and will require you to pay to access them.

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