Explore vast areas, and discover secrets the land of Teyvat.

Genshin Impact is a free RPG adventure, exploration, action and twist game.

The game is available on PC, mobile. Switch and Playstation 4. Follow the steps below to start the download safe and free:

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Download Genshin Impact PC:

  1. Open your browser and go to: https://genshin.mihoyo.com
  2. Select your Windows or Mac operating system and start the download.
  3. Save and run the .exe or .dmg installer to continue.
  4. Open the game and start your way.

Download Genshin Impact for Mobile:

  1. Enter to Play Store or App Store.
  2. Search for Genshin Impact and press Install.
  3. Open the icon on your main screen.
  4. Create an account and start exploring Teyvat.
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