I bet you are familiar with the character of Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series.
I'm also sure you know Emma Watson; full name Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson, the British actress who acted as Hermione.
But did you know the following curious facts about Emma Watson?
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- Emma auditioned for a role in Harry Potter because all her friends auditioned. In fact, she had never acted professionally before, and this was her first audition.
- Emma is very athletic. She was on her school's dance and field hockey team. Today, she is now a certified yoga and meditation instructor. She still dances and plays hockey and tennis.
- Emma is an A student. When filming the Harry Potter series, she made time to study onset.
- Despite being supported by Harry Potter’s author J.K. Rowling, Emma came for eight auditions before she was cast as Hermione.
- Emma has a thing for keeping journals and diaries, and she writes every night just before bed. By mid-2014, she had accumulated about 30 journals.
- Emma is an incurable bookworm, and she loves to read for pleasure.
- She missed the 2014 Vanity Fair Oscars Party after accidentally falling asleep in her hotel room.
- Emma loves spreading Nutella on strawberries.
- At 15, Emma was the youngest person to cover Teen Vouge.
- Emma favorite food is Mexican, and her favorite drink is a gin and a tonic.
- Though considered British, Watson was born in France. She moved to England when she was five years of age.
- While filming Harry Potter, Emma had a crush on Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy). Felton's qualifications were being older, a bad boy and owning a skateboard.
- One of Watson’s ancestors from the 16th century was accused of being a witch.
- Emma loves cats, and she owns two named Bubbles and Domino.
- And if she stopped being a celebrity for a day, she would love going into a mosh pit in a rock concert.