Present your data with the best infographic design.
The presentation of data and information does not have to be boring, Canva offers you the best designs with images, graphics and text perfectly organized in templates designed by professionals.
You can also find inspiration in the templates and customize them with your own style.
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With Canva, making an infographic is as simple as choosing a template, adding your information and that's it.
Create Infographics with Canva
- From your browser Enter the infographic templates section: https://www.canva. com/infographics/templates/
- Select a template that best suits your style or what you want to present.
- Edit the content with the Canva tools.
- Download and that's it!
What a good infographic should contain:
- Relevant data
- A well laid out design
- Balance between graphic elements and text.
- Good quality in the graphic elements.
Recommended sizes for an infographic:
- Blogs: 663 x 2000 pixels
- Facebook 1200 x 628 pixels
- LinkedIn 1104 x 736 pixels