Remember the movie Scary Movie? If you do, then you will recognize this song.

Ringtone preview

Listen first then download this amazing ringtone.

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If your browser doesn't support this format, continue with the following section to download the ringtone. All ringtones comes in a pack with all formats for the majorities of current smartphones.

Download link

Click on the following link in order to get the ringtone: Wazzzuuuuup!. This download contains all the formats for all smartphones.


People are going to recognize this ringtone immediately. Scary movie has become so much popular. And don't forget it... Wazzzuuuuuuuup!


This ringtone can be used in any cellphone: Samsung, Nokia, HTC, Android or iOS, you just need to download and then put it on your phone. Look for more ringtones in this website.

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