A list of the best pictures based on the most viewed pics of Selena Gomez

We need to start this list with the most viewed pic of the past year. Selena took a small break while she was in Miami.

She was with a group of friends showing her two-piece bikini. This pic definitely shows what Justin was missing.

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Then, a pic from "New York daily news". After she turned 21, she definitely went from "Wizards of Waverly Place" to "Getaway".

But, just before she was 21, this awesome photo was taken. From the movie "Spring breakers".

And, we cannot forget one of the best photo shots: Flaunt Magazine.

And finally, we need to show her luxurious look at the MTV Movie Awards (Considered one of the best dressed in the ceremony).

This is just a small list. We know Selena always look gorgeous with her outfit. So, read more post for more pics of Selena Gomez.

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← Top 5 Images of Selena Gomez Home Photo Shoot for Flaunt Magazine →