There are several types of resumes: chronological, functional or combination.

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To apply for job openings you should identify your purpose and think about your own profile.

Each type of resume highlights various aspects of your knowledge and experience.

That's why we want to show you these format models for a resume according to your profile.


Just graduated

If this is your case, you must reflect and certify your qualities, your potential and your value over the experience.


To achieve this, you must focus on your area of ​​knowledge, skills, achievements, travels, languages and others.

Experienced Professional

If you have a lot of work experience, you should definitely highlight this information.


To do it, you can choose a chronological or a combined resume because you can highlight objectives, achievements and your skills developed during your career.

Executive or independent

Here a functional or a targeted resume can help you a lot.


Focus on highlighting the objectives achieved during your management in a company, the problems solved, successfully projects and team leadership skills.

Voluntary work

Generally volunteer work isn't remunerated. However, candidates for volunteers must go through a selection process.


Add volunteering in your resumen correctly and opt for the functional or targeted resume when putting your professional career, it will allow you to differentiate yourself from the other applicants.

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